YITIANTULONG Laptop Backpack15.6 inch, Travel Computer Bag with USB Charging Port,Laptop carrier bags for Women & Men Fits

YITIANTULONG Laptop Backpack15.6 inch, Travel Computer Bag with USB Charging Port,Laptop carrier bags for Women & Men Fits

Flаѕh Sаlе YITIANTULONG Laptop Backpack15.6 inch, Travel Computer Bag with USB Charging Port,Laptop carrier bags for Women & Men Fits A quick website review

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Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе YITIANTULONG Laptop Backpack15.6 inch, Travel Computer Bag with USB Charging Port,Laptop carrier bags for Women & Men Fits

only with $ 29.99

  • ★LOTS OF STORAGE SPACE&POCKETS: One separate laptop compartment hold 15.6 Inch Laptop as well as 15 Inch,14 Inch and 13 Inch Macbook/Laptop. One spacious packing compartment roomy for daily necessities,tech electronics accessories. Front compartment with many pockets, pen pockets and key fob hook, make your items organized and easier to find
  • ★COMFY&STURDY: Comfortable airflow back design with thick but soft multi-panel ventilated padding, gives you maximum back support. Breathable and adjustable shoulder straps relieve the stress of shoulder. Foam padded top handle for a long time carry on
  • ★FUNCTIONAL&SAFE: A luggage strap allows backpack fit on luggage/suitcase, slide over the luggage upright handle tube for easier carrying. With a hidden anti theft pocket on the back protect your valuable items from thieves. Well made for international airplane travel and day trip
  • ★USB PORT DESIGN: With built in USB charger outside and built in charging cable inside,this usb backpack offers you a more convenient way to charge your phone while walking. Please noted that this backpack doesn't power itself, usb charging port only offers an easy access to charge
  • ★DURABLE MATERIAL&SOLID: Made of Water Resistant and Durable Polyester Fabric with metal zippers. Ensure a secure & long-lasting usage everyday & weekend.Serve you well as professional office work bag,slim USB charging bagpack,college high school big student backpack for boys,girls,teens,adults

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